#23 Summer in Mallorca

By Bryan | Published: 8th Oct, 2017

Perhaps the best part of living abroad — away from family — is the unlikely bond formed with strangers from different walks of life. Some great moments shared one-off and some lasts. And eventually, some becomes much like your alternative family.


I couldn't be grateful enough to have a few of them here. They are the most amazing people who have helped me get a foothold in Barcelona. It felt somewhat homey. And the most exciting part? When you get to travel together!


Talk about travel, the Balearic Islands have been at the top of my summer bucket list for years. There are 4 largest of these islands in the western Mediterranean, off the east coast of mainland Spain.

I've been to Ibiza, Formentera, and Menorca and to finally complete the list — vamos a Mallorca!


Did I say it's a family vacation?

Well, myself — and a family. I enjoyed driving around Mallorca's sandy beaches and hidden coves. There's no dull moment albeit long drives. Definitely a snug. I literally felt I was part of the family or one of the kids — completely disconnected from the stressful thoughts of work and city life. That's 5 days of full relax and fun.

Main Highlights:

  • Day 1: Es Trenc
  • Day 2: Cala des Moro, Cala Almonia
  • Day 3: Cala Llombards, Cala Mondrogo, Cala Vincenç
  • Day 4: Formentor, Cala Figuera in Pollença
  • Day 5: Cala Varquez


This trip is probably one of the best summers I had. Spending 5 days at the island was a blast and here's the biggest reason why...

  • Addison
    This are really nice pictures Bryan, you are doing a great job. It’s good to know that you have some nice Filipino family to travel with, lol. From this photos it shows that Malorca has some really fun places to be, especially the beaches. It’s a really nice view, I would consider having a visit there next summer.
  • Bryan
    Hi Addison. Thanks. Mallorca has some of the best beaches in Spain – I personally recommed visiting the island. And remember, it does make the visit really worth it with friends and family so bring one or a bunch! lol
  • Bailey
    My Pinoy backpacking travel buddy, visiting your blog is no dull moment. The island of Mallorca is very beautiful, Islands are fun places to be in. and just like you said they would help relieve the day to day stress we experience. I think I have my next travel destination with my Family next summer. Thanks for opening the Spanish world to us.
  • Bryan
    Hola, Bailey! Thanks for visiting. I bet you've experienced some great island somewhere already but I would say, some of best ones are in Spain.. and in the Philippines, of course! lol
  • Emily
    Travelling to islands is a great experience. Even though I haven't visited this area before, the overall experience of visiting beautiful islands with friends and family is worth more than gold.
  • Bryan
    True. The island alone is great but it's always fun when you have friends and family.

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